Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Looking Back

Today is 20 September, I have been here 9 weeks already, I still remember the first day that I come here. At 27 June 2010, I received the offer letter from the USM. I feel very excited and happy because I can enter the APEX university in Malaysia. In the same time, I also feel horror because this is first time I have to go so far to Pulau Pinang. This is first time I leave my home to continue pursuing my dream after STPM.

After 9 weekends in the USM, I have been faced many challenge from easy to hard. Every task is quite difficult and to completed in a short period of time. From beginning PIMPIN SISWA until today The Dome Testing In Swimming Pool. Before I am a person who is quite unsociable, but this attitude gradually disappear from myself. I become more active and vigorous.

Looking back is important to let us more understand for ourselves. It is a unavoidable responsible for everyone to do that. Because once we do like that we have the better understanding about all event that have been past.

The orientation day GETTHO 2010

The mask that we produce

The 3v dome

3v geodesic Dome

Do a sketches in the bamboo site

My black box that I produced it is aim to use as the balloon release.

Presentation of our black box is in the process, in the last all of us black box is rejected.:(

Finally, we have to join in the Youth Jam to celebrate the Independent day

Here is my group member in this event, Yahn Ru, Ai Jia, Zhi Chin, and Hui Yi.

I also done a lot of sketches below is my art work :

My designing of bamboo sound tool

Dot and line sketches

My casket sketches

My black box which represent my emotion and my attitude, the most important thing I think our soul is more important than other thing in world. We should more understand of ourselves, what we want, why we want and how we want.The intention is significantly before we act and purses objectives that have been set. I think this is the most valuable moral value that I learned in this studio.

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