Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What can you live behind?

What can I live behind? Actually, I thing most people can answer it. But , if I ask why we can birth in this world? And where we go after we die? I think most people didn't how to answer this question. But we find out this answer in the religious believe. Just like the Christian, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism and etc. Actually majority religious have been told us, if we want to go a better place after we die we need to do a charitable deeds in our life. This is inevitably duty that we need to do before we go to paradise. We shall think about it. After the class101 in the morning we were give the assignment to study a monument in the Jewish Cemetery.

This is the entrance of Jewish Cemetery.

Moss have been covered at the wall of there. The cemetery have been here for almost hundred years. Everything were gone...

The Indian-boy was responsibility to lead us go inside the cemetery...

Other view in the entrance...

The stele is function as the introduce to this cemetery...

Inside of the cemetery...everyone is busy taking the photo...

There is also have the children sometime is unpredictable, we must treasure all the thing that God matter is good or bad.....

The bigger monuments that form triangle plus rectangle shape...

There is almost hundred above monuments in here... ever years they grandchildren will come here to memories they...

This is the concept design of my monuments ...the spiral shape represent the trouble in my past life. Although there is a lot of mess and trouble, i didn't let it to cover my head. I still remain the principle that I held. That is what I always emphasize do no always follow the other, we must have our own principle. Decide how you are going live.

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