Friday, September 24, 2010

Cutting down the Bamboo for IBU

Today, we have been asked by Lecturer 1b to cutting the bamboo into 2.27m to form a IBU at the Taman Rekreasi. Below is our progress :

Before we go to cut bamboo, we have to register for the size of bamboo...

And then, we moved toward the site to cut the bamboo...

King is choosing the bamboo for IBU...

Too hungry, eat faster and start the work!!!!

Measuring the long of bamboo...

A female is more stronger than this guy, hahaha....

Gan is cutting the bamboo...

After a half hours, we have been cut down the bamboo that required for the IBU, and then we tidy up the place and went back, we have been a nice job.: )

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What can you live behind?

What can I live behind? Actually, I thing most people can answer it. But , if I ask why we can birth in this world? And where we go after we die? I think most people didn't how to answer this question. But we find out this answer in the religious believe. Just like the Christian, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism and etc. Actually majority religious have been told us, if we want to go a better place after we die we need to do a charitable deeds in our life. This is inevitably duty that we need to do before we go to paradise. We shall think about it. After the class101 in the morning we were give the assignment to study a monument in the Jewish Cemetery.

This is the entrance of Jewish Cemetery.

Moss have been covered at the wall of there. The cemetery have been here for almost hundred years. Everything were gone...

The Indian-boy was responsibility to lead us go inside the cemetery...

Other view in the entrance...

The stele is function as the introduce to this cemetery...

Inside of the cemetery...everyone is busy taking the photo...

There is also have the children sometime is unpredictable, we must treasure all the thing that God matter is good or bad.....

The bigger monuments that form triangle plus rectangle shape...

There is almost hundred above monuments in here... ever years they grandchildren will come here to memories they...

This is the concept design of my monuments ...the spiral shape represent the trouble in my past life. Although there is a lot of mess and trouble, i didn't let it to cover my head. I still remain the principle that I held. That is what I always emphasize do no always follow the other, we must have our own principle. Decide how you are going live.

Looking Forward: )

From now, I realize responsibility that I need to do after watching the video that Lecturer 1B provided. The video show that every human being have the most beautiful heart hide in the deepest of our heart. Ignorance of anger, selfishness, hate, arrogant and the other negative attitude we actually can find our most sincere heart and our ability that the Earth need. Actually, the world is formed base on our thinking. Just like ourselves, we cant blame the other if some bad luck happened in us. It maybe be due to our bad behavior.

So, that is why I say everybody need to be aware of ourselves ability and find the way emerge it. God have been bestow all of us a precious gift(ability and emotion) to contribute to other human being.It is essential to us to find it.

Of course, there is a way to seek our ability. But in the same time we also need to be hardworking and firm is purses our own ability. So, I will be discover myself ability in this studio and contribute to our beloved society.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Looking Back

Today is 20 September, I have been here 9 weeks already, I still remember the first day that I come here. At 27 June 2010, I received the offer letter from the USM. I feel very excited and happy because I can enter the APEX university in Malaysia. In the same time, I also feel horror because this is first time I have to go so far to Pulau Pinang. This is first time I leave my home to continue pursuing my dream after STPM.

After 9 weekends in the USM, I have been faced many challenge from easy to hard. Every task is quite difficult and to completed in a short period of time. From beginning PIMPIN SISWA until today The Dome Testing In Swimming Pool. Before I am a person who is quite unsociable, but this attitude gradually disappear from myself. I become more active and vigorous.

Looking back is important to let us more understand for ourselves. It is a unavoidable responsible for everyone to do that. Because once we do like that we have the better understanding about all event that have been past.

The orientation day GETTHO 2010

The mask that we produce

The 3v dome

3v geodesic Dome

Do a sketches in the bamboo site

My black box that I produced it is aim to use as the balloon release.

Presentation of our black box is in the process, in the last all of us black box is rejected.:(

Finally, we have to join in the Youth Jam to celebrate the Independent day

Here is my group member in this event, Yahn Ru, Ai Jia, Zhi Chin, and Hui Yi.

I also done a lot of sketches below is my art work :

My designing of bamboo sound tool

Dot and line sketches

My casket sketches

My black box which represent my emotion and my attitude, the most important thing I think our soul is more important than other thing in world. We should more understand of ourselves, what we want, why we want and how we want.The intention is significantly before we act and purses objectives that have been set. I think this is the most valuable moral value that I learned in this studio.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


After the consideration of some factor, I decide to add the below invention into IBU(inter-pondok bastionary unit):
DVTRS: Delineation and 3D Visualization of Tumuor and Risk Structures by Assoc.Prof.MandavaRajeswari.DVTRS is a invention use to delineate and visualize tumuor and its associated risk structure in 3D.
When disaster occur, it can be accurately delineate the condition of IBU, and other surrounding pondok. The software can be also use to monitor all the supply, and repair work if any damage happens at IBU or pondok.
IBU can always monitoring the other pondok, and when damage happen....

the IBU can immediately analysis the damage of the pondok and sent repair team...

Fast reaction can take if we install this invention in the pondok.