Monday, October 25, 2010

The End of 101 Studio

What should I do? Being push by so many task is for what?

Like the picture in left of you, did u see mother, father and daughter? Our
life is actually consists of many illusion that we sometime cannot actually identify it. We need to meditate silently and see it.

Below is another example of illusion, " As I began, the same way I end" did u see the old women and miss in the picture? Life actually similar to this visual illusion concept. We must wisdom enough to understand it. I have been learned one principle after this studio, KISS, kept it simple, stupid. If we think too complicate about one thing, we may confuse and the task maybe difficult to complete.

Above 2 pictures source

We need to look problem behind the problem. There is difficult mission for me now. But, i will try my best, to be most of the best. I swear to my soul to shift to be the best guy.

Calligraphy that shows the firm meaning. That is a promise to myself from now, after the end of studio 101.

Everyone have their own style and personalities, aware that we are the one most special in the world. There is no other that similar with me. Haha ,i m very proud with that. Each of us have its own duty to be complete. Before we act, we must consider about it.

Cutting and joint the PVC with bamboo. This is our duty on that day. Other than that, we also face many problem when we built the IBU dome. Finally, we decided to built the dome from top to bottom. The scaffold and gangplank suppose to use for built the dome from bottom to top

Afternoon have been coming, Dr Illias invite all of us go to Subaida to have a lunch.I'm so happy because I was very hungry already.

Scaffold which is dangerous to go up. The structure we built have many problem. And finally we decided not use this to built IBU.

Choosing the bamboo strut and use to built IBU.

After our lunch, Encik 1b decided use the supporter to support the bamboo structure. And there are five supporter to be used for this purpose. Get ready!!!!

1,2,3 ,everyone rises up the IBU and the whole structure was supported by the bamboo supporter.

I was on the position to prepare do this mission. The whole structure was finally success supported by the bamboo.

Final product that have been success to built ...haha, finally as we begin we also accompany with the end. Like we make a small dome to such a huge dome. Thank everyone ^><^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

IBU construction(part 2)

My friend and I carrying the bamboo up to the truck and to be moved to our school. All of these bamboo is to be use to form a bamboo strut.

The truck have been arrived at the site of IBU and we moved the all bamboo and atap to our define place.

Carrying the bamboo from the truck....

Systematically arrange the bamboo and atap ... The bamboo is so heavy and we return to our life of carrying the bamboo:(...

All the stock to built the IBU have been successfully remove to the site..

At 6pm, we all have end our job ...

8zbit Construction

8zbit is a new assignment we suppose to be done on 18-10-2010. 8zbit is the dymasion that we need to glue the picture and write the related message about our 101 studio memories.

After drawing the plan of our dymasion, we need to cut down the dymasion, and then form the shape of it. I use the brown tape to join the all face of dymasion.

After that, the face of dymasion was connected to form the exactly shape.

The completed dymasion shape have been done and we need to paste the picture at every surface of dymasion.

haha, after that I was paste the picture at my dymasion.

There are many of dymasion that have been done and arrange according the suitable place at the studio.

Ai Jia and my dymasion.

The end.......

IBU construction(part 1)

I am now gonna to built the IBU domes in the School of HBP. Below are the design and plan of our IBU dome.It is consists by 5 section from A to E. The dome we gonna to built is 5v one, and it is quite difficult to built.

The basic plan of the Ibu domes

Awaiting the instruction from Lecturer 1B and Ar.Najib..

All preparing the bamboo strut to form the IBU...

Bamboo strut is ready, now we need to assembly the base of IBU...

Another view from IBU site...

Haiz, the bamboo strut cannot be joined, coz there are many problem the strut that we made...

The bamboo strut is very difficult to join and there is too lax between the join.

Thus, the built assignment is until here and break up.

Discussing the new solution for the problem arose. We have decided to order the new bamboo to repair the failed bamboo strut. In the same time, we need to use bamboo to built Scafold & Gangplank

Friday, October 8, 2010

Only a Person Know His own Responsibility Will Survive

"Only a person who know his own responsibility will survive!" The above statement is quite true. Most of us always forgotten ourselves duty by doing non-worthy thing. We human are actually are easily forgotten animal.

So, but clearly know ourselves responsibility is vital for most of us before act. We need to knowing ourselves "what should I do?", "how can I do?", "why should I do?" By answering all of this question we are actually can knowing ourselves responsibility. Like the Encik 1b say, everybody has its own capability, but in the same time, we must be able to find out what the ability that we have. Knowing ourselves is crucial in this turning of the age. We are the one we are waiting for.(source from The 2012 Prophecies)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apex Leap to 2012

2012, does it the end of our world?
Like the 2012 prophecies from Nostradamus, the Hopi, the Inca, the Maya, and others. Is doomsday really will come on that day.
In the same time, our world are being exposed to too many unresolvable crisis. Failure is not an option. We should not wait other person to rescue us, we must save ourselves.
Like Encik 1b have been prepared so many plan which will be useful on 2012 doomsday. Prepare the umbrella before raining, it is important for us to remember that.

The ancient prophecies of many civilization point to this era as a turning point when we will undergo tremendous shifts in our experience as being on this planet. I believe that we will avoid from 2012.It will not be the end of the world, or humanity. Now, we are facing the proses of revolution, we need to evolve to adapt to the changing environment. Who with a narrow belief will be outdated on that time of shift. So, what are you waiting for, go, changes yourselves and let me know!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Today, we are ask by our X-men to connect all the bamboo that we have made. We was used the screw and nut to connect all the bamboo.

The bamboo section prepared to connect and form the specific shape.

Both of us are selecting and check the bamboo.

Finally, our X-men have been coming. He was late about a hour...!@#$%!!!!

Sunday, 3/10/ 2010 we are asking by 1b to form spontaneous shape to show in the exhibition, but all of us was confused, what should we do?????

"What shape you want to do?"
"I don't know."

Still discussing about the shape we should to do..

Somebody are busy chatting than working...haiz...

Finally, we have decided to form a simple prism and rectangle .

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cutting down the Bamboo for IBU

Today, we have been asked by Lecturer 1b to cutting the bamboo into 2.27m to form a IBU at the Taman Rekreasi. Below is our progress :

Before we go to cut bamboo, we have to register for the size of bamboo...

And then, we moved toward the site to cut the bamboo...

King is choosing the bamboo for IBU...

Too hungry, eat faster and start the work!!!!

Measuring the long of bamboo...

A female is more stronger than this guy, hahaha....

Gan is cutting the bamboo...

After a half hours, we have been cut down the bamboo that required for the IBU, and then we tidy up the place and went back, we have been a nice job.: )

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What can you live behind?

What can I live behind? Actually, I thing most people can answer it. But , if I ask why we can birth in this world? And where we go after we die? I think most people didn't how to answer this question. But we find out this answer in the religious believe. Just like the Christian, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism and etc. Actually majority religious have been told us, if we want to go a better place after we die we need to do a charitable deeds in our life. This is inevitably duty that we need to do before we go to paradise. We shall think about it. After the class101 in the morning we were give the assignment to study a monument in the Jewish Cemetery.

This is the entrance of Jewish Cemetery.

Moss have been covered at the wall of there. The cemetery have been here for almost hundred years. Everything were gone...

The Indian-boy was responsibility to lead us go inside the cemetery...

Other view in the entrance...

The stele is function as the introduce to this cemetery...

Inside of the cemetery...everyone is busy taking the photo...

There is also have the children sometime is unpredictable, we must treasure all the thing that God matter is good or bad.....

The bigger monuments that form triangle plus rectangle shape...

There is almost hundred above monuments in here... ever years they grandchildren will come here to memories they...

This is the concept design of my monuments ...the spiral shape represent the trouble in my past life. Although there is a lot of mess and trouble, i didn't let it to cover my head. I still remain the principle that I held. That is what I always emphasize do no always follow the other, we must have our own principle. Decide how you are going live.